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Open Access Publications from the University of California

Organization and Procedures

This journal will be published online, through the California Digital Library, and will be managed by an Editorial Board and an Executive Committee (see below). Submissions may be in either English, Spanish or Portuguese. The initial expectation is to publish one issue per calendar year and to consider more frequent publication if the number and quality of submissions should warrant an increase. Each issue will be edited by one or more members of the editorial board or by a member of the editorial board and one or two guest editors—referred to here as the “issue editor(s)”—who will propose a theme for the issue to be approved by the Executive Committee. The issue editor(s), in conjunction with the  the Executive Committee, will be responsible for the administration of the issue's production / journal's production (including: distribution of submitted and solicited material to Editorial Board members for review; correspondence with contributors; supervision of staff person(s) and graduate assistant(s); calling and coordination of meetings; management of journal finances). Solicitation of contents for each issue will be the responsibility of the issue editor(s). Of these solicitations, a certain number, comprising between one half and two thirds of the issue will focus on the theme proposed by the issue editor(s) and approved by the Editorial Board; this cluster will typically be introduced by a preface written by the issue editor or a person designated by her / him. Each solicited or submitted article will be reviewed by the issue editors and forwarded to one other member of the editorial board and to an appropriate external reviewer. Before going into production the issue editor(s) will present the whole issue to a meeting of the Executive Committee for final approval. A submission may be rejected at this stage only by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. The balance of items published in each issue should meet the overall criteria for publication in TSJ. Primary criteria for publication include: appropriateness to the journal's mission (as well as, in specific cases, to the focal theme or problem addressed by an issue), potential importance for the field of Literary Translation Studies, and intrinsic interest and excellence. Some consideration may be given to presenting an adequately diverse range of topics, approaches, etc. in choosing which essays will appear in which issues. Articles based on papers from the biannual conference of the UCSB Literary Translation Focus Group may be considered but have no special claim on publication in TSJ. Other appropriate publications include critical reviews of recent work in sub-fields of Translation Studies, and translations of texts of especially high quality or relevance which are not readily available in English.

Editorial Board and Executive Committee

The Editorial Board will consist of scholars and translators whose work is internationally recognised as representing different aspects of the field of Translation Studies, regardless of campus affiliation. Three members of the Editorial Board, preferably from the UC Santa Barbara campus, will be designated by the Editorial Board Members to be on the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will make all final decisions regarding the ordinary administration of the journal, by a majority vote, excepting changes to the charter which will require unanimity. Tenure in the Executive Committee is for a minimum of one year and a maximum of four. Decisions about tenure and rotation in the Executive Committee will be made by the representatives on the Editorial Board.

The Editorial Board will seek and accept advice on these matters from members of the Translation Studies community. Members of the Editorial Board who have participated insufficiently for two years may be asked to leave the board and be replaced (insufficient participation consists of: failure to attend in person or through teleconference regularly scheduled meetings; failure to participate in the editorial and peer review process; and / or failure to assume regularly responsibility as “issue editor”).